
DMARC įrašai - kaip juos sutvarkyti?
Iki vasario 1 dienos būtina atlikti DMARC įrašų pakeitimus, norint atitikti naujus Google ir Yahoo reikalavimus dėl laiškų pristatomumo klientams. Skaitykite plačiau, kaip tą atlikti.
Nemokamos Shopify programėlės
Turbūt nėra Shopify parduotuvės, kuri gyvuoja visai be papildomų aplikacijų. Išrinkti tinkamiausią yra tikrai nelengvas darbas. Geriausia remtis kitų patirtimi, nes taip sutaupysiite laiko. Tad sudėjome savo patirtį apie nemokamas Shopify must-have aplikacijas.
Domeno DNS įrašų keitimas
Shopify pardavėjai pradeda gauti pranešimus, kad reikia patikrinti domeno nustatymus (dėl wildcard įrašų *). Kodėl ir ką reikėtų daryti?
Shopify temos atnaujinimas

Whether your Shopify theme is paid or not, sooner or later its developers release updates. They contain corrections of previous errors, new functions. Is it worth updating the theme and how to do it?

Google analytics 4

As you know, from July 1 Universal Analytics is gone and we're migrating to Google Analytics 4. If you haven't migrated to GA4 yet, we've prepared a quick guide on how to do so.

Kam tinka Shopify?
Quickly about who the Shopify platform is for. In all cases, we are talking about e-commerce, but we also have examples of portfolio or landing pages in our portfolio.
Add to cart button ux
Don't hide your store's ADD TO CART buttons low on the product card. It's best to put it right under the price, not under the description. This way, the buyer does not have to scroll down and look for it. Increases the likelihood of conversion.
Shopify: trust

What is the most important factor that determines whether your website users will click the BUY button? No, not its color or location. It is TRUSTING you. Your consumers need to be sure that you are a reliable seller. How to convey credibility?

Meniu tips and tricks

How to lay out the menu so that it is clear to both the store visitor and Google?
Today, "About Us" is no longer such an important page to give it a place at the top. Don't waste the most significant space. Unless you have very few items and are heavily focused on storytelling.

Multisiuntos multiparcels
The choice of Parcel Machines already seems like a must-have feature to the buyer. The Shopify platform usually does not allow easy adjustment of the checkout window, so how to give the buyer the opportunity to conveniently choose a parcel machine during the purchase?